Many known things can pose significant hazards to our health, including smoking, junk food, lack of exercise and much more. But dirty carpet is also one thing among all these. It can cause significant health problems in the long term. An unclean carpet can harm your everyday health and well-being, especially if you are prone to allergies and other illnesses. A professional carpet cleaning company in Herefordshire can help you keep your carpet clean and pristine. Here, we have examined how dirty carpets can make you fall sick and unwell.

Three ways carpets can make you fall sick and unwell

The dense weave of the carpet is a magnet for attracting small particles of dirt and pathogens, whether from the air, on our skin, hair, or other sources. The more the carpet bears foot traffic, the more these organisms and particles get into the meshwork of the rug. It is extremely hard to remove these with domestic vacuum cleaners alone.

Dust mites

The biggest carpet-dwelling culprit is dust mites. These pests live in house dust. They set up homes in any fabric, including carpets. Often, in just one square yard of the carpet, there could be as many as 100,000 dust mites. Carpet is a very opportune place for dust mites to thrive. They can find all the foods they need to thrive within the carpet, including dead skin cells, pet dander, food crumbs and any other bits of dirt. If you already suffer from allergies, these dust mites can worsen it. You may suffer from sneezing, runny nose, itchy skin, watery eyes, a sore throat, breathing problems, and many other respiratory problems.

Bacteria and other germs

If the carpets are not cleaned regularly, bacteria and germs can also build up. They can take root in your carpet from unclean footwear. Though most of these are harmless, microbes like E.coli and salmonella can make you fall sick. This is a pressing issue for vulnerable groups of family members like babies and the elderly. You can remove all these harmful pathogens through professional cleaning. A reputed company can use industrial equipment and deep cleaning methods to effectively sanitise the carpets and destroy all the organisms. For instance, steam cleaning is one of these effective methods of germ removal.

Mould build-up

Mould is a grave problem for all types of unclean carpets. Mould spores tend to reproduce when they come into contact with a damp surface. So mould can grow and build up if a carpet gets wet, through drink spillages or from being cleaned. Moulds have many negative impacts on your health. It can worsen your allergies and even cause bronchitis. If you suspect mould problems, speak to a professional company specialising in moulding.

Neglecting to maintain your carpet in the long term can pose many health-related hazards. If your family members suffer from chronic allergies, hiring a professional carpet cleaner in Herefordshire is all the more important and impending. Contact Clean Agents Midlands and our professional cleaning team can help remove all types of microbes and dust from the carpet. You can also get a quote from us for periodic cleaning. Let’s get in touch today.